The best way to store and access your records:
 at home & at the club.

Stores all your records. Top and bottom.

Even when both compartments are fully loaded, and the lower drawer is extended, KREUZ×BOX won’t tip over. That‘s because of the 5th wheel.

Protects your records. And your back.

Even during heavy use, KREUZ×BOX is designed to keep your records safe and minimize damage: Cracks in the covers are prevented through KREUZ×BOX”s clever design of inclined edges.

On top of that, KREUZ×BOX is designed to keep impact on your back as minimal as possible. We know how heavy records are. That’s why KREUZ×BOX sits on high-quality wheels and offers comfort access at sit-height: we’ve got your back.

A must-have for every DJ and club.

We offer solutions for DJs at home, on the road, or permanently installed at clubs and music venues.

Get notified when KREUZ×BOX launches:

Join our mailing list to get your hands on the first production-ready KREUZ×BOX.